Thursday, November 7, 2013

Photoshop Lesson #3

The Pandumatrabigalabrion

Including a panda, hummingbird, cat, jackrabbit, pig, koala, zebra, and lion.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Encyclopedia Entries #4


I love celebrating holidays, and really like to decorate my house for them.  My favorite holiday is probably Christmas, because we get to pick out a tree and decorate it.  I also like Halloween, and dressing up in a costume.  Most of the candy I get I trade with my friends for my favorites, and it's really fun.  Back to holidays, it's just fun to celebrate with your class, and sometimes we will have a party for them.

I love eating nutella.  I think it's really good if you dip pretzels in it, because it's sweet because of the chocolaty taste but also salty because of the salt from the pretzels.  I first had it in fifth grade, and have loved it since.  It's also good if you spread it on bread with peanut butter, to make a "PB and N" sandwich.

In the Garden

     I was in the garden, just before midnight, going to the shed because I had left an important paper in it.  Suddenly, I heard a sound like the screams of a coyote, and ran to the shed door.  I quickly took out my key and tried to unlock the shed.  The key wouldn't fit, like it always did.  Amid the screams, I heard a child crying inside the shed.  I banged against the door, as I heard the sound of running paws.  I I desperately wished I was inside my house.  I looked through the window / into the shed, and caught a glimpse of my little brother.  "I'm coming," I yelled to him and looked around the garden.  Among the cabbages, I spotted three coyotes.  I kicked at the door, but to no avail.  The coyotes ran at me, and I put my arms up to defend myself.  I knew that I wouldn't make it until morning.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

See How Easy it is to Fool a King...

      Montesinos was a very smart man.   He was a monk and preached sermons at the church every Sunday.  At one of his sermons, all of a sudden he started talking about how the Indians shouldn't be killed or be made slaves.  Everybody got really angry at him for thinking like that, and came to him and told him to preach another sermon and apologize.  On Sunday, he basically started preaching about the same thing, about why the Indians shouldn't be slaves because they were people just like the Spaniards  and they were starving to death.. 
     Columbus' son sent the King a letter about Montesinos. The King ordered the head of the Dominicans in Spain to come to him.  He wanted Montesinos to be stopped.  Montesinos had fooled the King because in Santo Domingo, he and the other Dominicans were very poor and only had things like old blankets and sparse clothing.  They wanted more, and knew that if they could go back to Spain, they could get that.  So they fooled the King into ordering them to go back to Spain.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Encyclopedia Entries # 3

When I was little, I used to hate the color yellow.  I'm not exactly sure why, but I just didn't like it as much as other colors.  I don't think it looked that good on me either.  Nowadays, I don't hate yellow, but it's just not my favorite.  Maybe someday I will end up loving it, but that day is not today.

I love the sun and heat, maybe because I used to live in Texas and got used to it.  It was really nice this summer because it was hot out a lot.  Now it's gonna get colder, foggier, and rainier, though, and I'm not looking forward to it.  I think heat is better than cold almost any day.  I do say almost, though, because when you're in Redding waiting outside the gates of their water park, you wish it could be snowing. The only bad thing about heat is when it's giving you a sunburn.

Spelling is one thing that comes naturally to me.  I don't know why, but it's always been really easy for me to spell.  If I don't know the word, I will probably get it wrong when trying to spell it, but after I look at it for the first time, it's pretty much in my brain from then on.  Sometimes spelling makes me wish I spoke a different language though, because English is the only language with a bunch of exceptions and rules.

A Poem for Two Voices (by Sierra and Harlyn)

Each Other

Morning Girl


Star Boy
I enjoy the early mornings

I enjoy the starry nights

We both see the beauty in our surroundings

I prefer silence and concentration

I like noise and chaos

We both like to have time alone

I would like to have a baby sister

I would rather have a baby brother or a parrot

We both lost a new member of the family

I know who I am and what I want to be

I’m learning about myself and who I am

We are both true to our names

I wish Star boy would learn the value of silence

I wish Morning girl could learn my kind of fun

We both want the other to be more like us

I wouldn't be who I am without Star boy

I wouldn't either

We need each other

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Morning Girl Response

     I really enjoyed reading the book Morning Girl, by Michael Dorris.  It was interesting how Dorris was able to describe the Taino's everyday life, and to make it seem like you were one of them, instead of Columbus' point of view like you would usually find when reading a book in that time period.  It made me question Columbus, and his actions. Is it his fault for wanting to take some of the Tainos for slaves and gain control over them, or does he just think that because of the society he was raised in?
     Also, I liked how Dorris came up with the idea of the Taino's spirituality with the tree.  Did they actually have religion, unlike what Columbus claimed?  We don't know, because Columbus was too ignorant and trying to impress the queen to find out.
     My life is sort of similar to the Taino's because I like to go out into the ocean a lot, even though it's not warm,  I help out my family, and I feel like my name is a part of me.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Encyclopedia of An Ordinary Life #2

I love jokes and all things funny.  Anyone who can make me laugh is a friend.  I also like to solve riddles and puzzles, but if anything funny happens, I’ll probably be in a good mood for the rest of the day.

Okay, so of course nobody likes homework, myself included.  My theory is that students should only have to do homework if they need the extra practice, or don't understand the lesson.  It would probably be better, at least for me, because then I could focus on the subjects I don't understand as well.

I love reading.  Some people don't like it (like my brother) but I do.  My favorite genre is sci-fi because I like to read about things in the future, especially about technology.  I also like fantasy, and realistic fiction.

Movies Made After Books:
I hate how movies don't follow the books they were made after, with few exceptions.  They would be so much better if they followed it.  I just don't like it when it's different, because it's different than what you're expecting so you think "What! This isn't supposed to happen!" I did hear from Harlyn that the movie Mortal Instruments, City of Bones follows the book pretty well though...

Personal Space Response

A Day With My Cats
     I opened the door to the pet’s room, wanting to read while watching my three cats.  I looked over to my left after entering, and saw Sugar on her brown fluffy circular bed, on top of the big grey blanket all of my cats beds were on.  Sugar was a three month old grey tabby, and was really playful when she wasn't tired.  
    Maverick, West’s cat, who was five months old and a black tabby, was sitting on the windowsill, watching the birds outside at the bird feeder on my right.  A cool breeze came from the open window, and felt good in the slightly stuffy room.  I sat down in the purple lawn chair we kept in there by the window, and caught sight of Sunny coming out of the big blue litter box by the opposite wall, which had another window, showing our driveway and silver minivan.
    I pulled Maverick onto my lap and saw Sugar using the scratching post close to her bed.  It acted like their best friend; they loved to use it, especially because when they scratched it, they could smell the sweet, savory smell of catnip which was sprinkled on it.
    Sugar then drank some water from our self filling water bowl, and ate out of her bowl.  She had a blue plastic one, Sunny’s was clear pyrex, and Maverick’s was white with goldfish all over it.  
    I read my book awhile, while my kitties played with their toys and play fought, and then went out and left them to their playing.

My Nature Name

My name, based on my personality, would probably something like Canary.  I really like to listen to music, and canaries sing, which I like to do too.  Canaries are also really colorful, and have a lot of green, which is one of my favorite colors.  Another name could be Sun Girl, because I love the sun and the heat during the summer.  Maybe one other could be just Music Girl?

Friday, August 30, 2013

Six Word Memoirs

1. Santa Cruz had awesome roller coasters.
2. Three cats, not too many, they play!
3. Iced coffee, way better than hot.
4. Volleyball's great so far, good serves.
5. Mornings are tough, I'm so tired!
6.School again, what happen to summer?
7. PE: went to beach, was hot.
8. Tacos for dinner, my favorite meal.
9. Interviewed Lizzie, found out about lots.
10. Setting in volleyball, did pretty good!

140 Character Tweet Memoir

I walked up to my seat at the ride, Delirium, on a nice day at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk.  I was by myself because West was too scared for the ride.  I pulled the safety bar over my head and then slowly the machine started.  Nineteen or so other people and I started spinning around and were swung back and forth, getting higher and faster all the while.  I could start to see all the other rides at the boardwalk, and was almost upside down.  I wasn't really scared, but excited!  Soon enough, the ride came to a stop and I got off with a feeling of accomplishment.

Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life

Sierra Dawn Wood:
I really like the name Sierra.  It’s not too common, and nobody else in my school has it.  The only bad thing about it is that some people have to ask how to spell it.  On the other hand, my last name Wood is much more common, and I hate how a lot of people think it’s Woods with an S.  But overall, my name’s pretty cool.

Music plays a big part in my life.  I play flute, piano and drums, and tried guitar once over the summer, but a string broke and that still needs to be fixed.  I also sing, and love trying to sing harmony with someone else.

I love all animals, big or small, except for horses.  I would like them too, if it wasn't for my allergies.  I own three kitties and a gecko, and hope to get dogs soon.  My favorite animals are zebras and dogs.

Volleyball is my favorite sport.  I love the feeling of spiking a ball over the net and it slamming down on the other side!  I have always wanted to play volleyball since I was little, and this is now my fourth year of playing.  After all this practice, I can get most of my serves over and am okay at passing and setting.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Final Point

She waits for the whistle
The hole on the ball facing up
For extra distance
In her stance, she still waits
Tweet, the whistle is blown
She throws the ball up in the air
Too far behind her to hit
It drops, and she waits
For the whistle to tweet once more
She must hit it this time
So this final game will be over
The score is close
23 to 22
Tweet! Blown again
The ball's in the air
Wham! A blur
At once, it's on the other side
They've bumped it back over here
We do a bump,
And spike
This time they block it
A quick dive, it's saved
We spike again
It's gone to the far left corner
The girl turns around
A dangerous mistake
She barely hits the ball
And it flies to the ceiling
It comes right back down,
All the way to the floor untouched
It bounces a few times
Till it is still 
We stand there for a moment
The game is won!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Another Piece of Magnetic Poetry

Cool clouds 
An icy breeze
A glass heart
Sad secrets
Haunting decay
Bleeding peace
 A ferocious, dazzling universe
Ghost fever
Velvet embrace
Fiery sky
Melted porcelain
Prisoner colors
Marble eyes
Devouring flowers
Broken cups
Foolish poetry

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Magnetic Poetry

Diamonds are still, but have a faint pink like a rose
With a thousand layers of elaborate petals
Diamonds are like the sweet, cool, blue spray of the ocean
Like springtime beauty, as everyone knows
Dreams and wonders, that's what diamonds are

Life of Death
A poisonous breath of ferocious fire
Washes over me like the ocean does to a sail boat
If only I could look back and laugh at my foolishness
And then I'd remember my mistake

I feel the green grass swaying against my legs
And the earth squishing beneath my feet
Listen to the insects
Hear the harmony in the sweet, bright spring
There is peace in nature

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Trembling Earth, and I Have Seen Sweet Sunsets Die

Trembling Earth
The poem Trembling Earth, written by Harlyn Fitzgerald, is about the abstract noun anger.  I really liked because of all the metaphors it had.  Some examples are “The ocean of mean words,” When one is broken beyond repair,” and “And send Earth into chaos.”  The alliteration Harlyn had was “Broken beyond repair,” and “Fiery power of pounding fists.”  Some examples of assonance were “Power of pounding,” I have felt the Earth tremble,” and “Why does the world.  Harlyn’s whole poem is really amazing the way she describes anger, because she has looked at it from all angles and taken a snapshot of what it is.

I Have Seen Sweet Sunsets Die
I really enjoyed reading the poem I have Seen Sweet Sunsets Die, by Emilia Diggins, because of the way her words flow together in each stanza and her personification.  Some examples of the personification she used were “The red colors slowly seeping away,” The soft grass waving goodbye,” and “It has a right to be proud,” where it’s talking about the moon.  A metaphor she used was “Sorry hearts breaking.”  Some examples of alliteration in her poem are “Seen sweet sunsets,” and “Slowly seeping.”  Some examples of assonance are “Try and fix mistakes,”  “Who often come to,” and “Sorry hearts.”  Emilia’s poem is really good because of her description and the way she uses her words.

I'm the Best Rapper Ever!

Yo, what’s up, I’m Sierra Wood
When it comes to rapping I am just so good
I’ll have a hundred raps done before the day’s complete
And every one of them will sound just so sweet

I’m really, really good at playing the flute
The sound’s as sweet as a delicious fruit
I play piano and drums also
I’m a 3 instrument player, Oh

What, still here, comin’ back for more?
Too bad for you, now I’ll show you to the door
Get outta here, you don’t deserve
To listen to this rap ‘cause you just got served

Monday, April 29, 2013


I once saw a very old lady
With a dog at her side named Sadie
She waddled about
With intent, I doubt
And to this day sits where it's shady

I once saw a girl at the mall
She was really incredibly tall
She walked all around
Having to stoop down
So she wouldn't hit her head and bawl 

There once was a girl named Sue
Who knotted the lace on her shoe
She tried to undo it
But totally blew it
And then got it stuck in some glue

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird

I like the poem Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird, by Wallace Stevens, a lot.  I found it interesting that it was thirteen, rather than a landmark number. such as ten.  Stevens probably wanted a special number.  Also, there is twenty mountains, instead of 13 or a different number.
    The seasons in this were interesting and made me think of the haikus.  It starts off at winter, then moves to autumn, back to winter, then spring, and finally back to winter again.  It's almost a year.
     There was lots of assonance in this poem. In the first stanza, there was some when it said "twenty snowy," and "among mountains."  Finally, in the third, it said "blackbird whirled."
I noticed some internal rhyming too, in the second stanza, where it said "I was of three minds,” page break “ Like a tree,” another page break “In which there are three blackbirds."  Three, tree, and three again rhymed.  There was also some regular rhyming too, with different stanzas.  For example, in one stanza it ended with minds, and in another it ended with pantomime, and those are approximate rhymes.
Another interesting thing I noticed in this poem was that the “countdown” was in roman numerals.  Maybe because regular ones were too boring?  Also, why does it count up from one? I guess you see it both ways, but for some reason I was expecting it to start at thirteen and go down.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Aren't I a Good Thing?

I have seen people swallowed up by water
The precious moment of life or death
The power of strength
Weakening, Crumbling and Collapsing down
The craziness conquering one
From happiness
To fear

I wind my waves to the confused moments

Because that's when one needs me most

When one is scared
Yes, it is shameful
To give myself to people
But I help, and keep one thriving
Or they would not act the same

I’d rather be Bravery
And give people the courage they need
But I do
I am giving, because
Don't people need adrenaline?
When they are in terror
No matter what that might be

I know how to use myself
And to be where people need me most
Among the frightened,
From a dark night,
When you suddenly swerve
A sunny yellow day
But then the sharp sound of a gunshot
I suddenly come out
And with me, they keep fighting

I say nothing, but with me
They know what to do
Because with me
It's the only way they can overcome
Or they would stop their struggle
So aren't I a good thing?

Haiku Poems

Daffodils growing
the cold days are behind us
kids playing outside

A big butterfly
flies around high in the sky
it is a beauty

This tree's good to climb
climb as high as possible
do you have your grip?

Morning paper comes
dog runs out to retrieve it
too wet to read now

Many birds singing
crisp smell of morning
cherry blossoms sway

Fingers tap on phones
kids locked into screens
where did nature go?

A dragonfly there
flies for the first time at all
eaten by a bird

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Abstract Thoughts

Fear is night black caves at midnight
Selfishness is sandy tan toys in someone's home
Loneliness is sky grey coffee shops at night
Quiet is paper white libraries
Boredom is dead leaf brown dirt on the solid ground
Dreams are ocean blue pools in Hawaii
Happiness is citrus lime green popsicles
Success is wizard purple parties at the beach on a hot summer day
Love is heart pink chocolates with a gooey caramel inside

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Spring is Like a Perhaps Hand

        I really enjoyed reading the poem, Spring is Like a Perhaps Hand, by E. E. Cummings, because it talked about how Spring is a hand moving everything around to get ready for it, like placing a flower somewhere.  I found it interesting how Cummings layed his poem out.  He had a large section, and then a separate stanza that said "changing everything carefully," which was referring to what the hand would do.  Then there was another large section and after that the last line was "without breaking anything."
      I didn’t really understand why Cummings had parentheses in some of his lines.  I can see why he would do that, but it seemed like they were put in weird places.  For example, he said “(which comes carefully,” then a line break, then “out of Nowhere) arranging.”   It kind of makes you wonder about the poem though, and that’s good.
      I noticed that he capitalized some words: nowhere, hand, new, and old.  I think he was trying to emphasize them all of them.  He wanted you to really sense the word nowhere, because that’s where the hand comes from, and he wants you to think of where nowhere could be.  When he capitalized hand, the line was “hand in a window.” I’m not that sure why he did that, but it’s probably because he wanted readers to get it into their minds that it was a hand.  For new and old, he most likely meant that new is the Spring things he's putting there, and the old is stuff from Winter that he's taking away.  
      Lastly, he had some repetition when he said “Spring is like a perhaps hand,” in the beginning, and in the last stanzas beginning.  I don’t think there was much else in this poem.  I did really like reading this poem though, to see how Spring was created.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Maggie and Milly and Molly and May

This is a poem called maggie and milly and molly and may, by E. E. Cummings. I really like it because I think it has a great rhythm to it, and it's kind of just a silly poem, unlike the other we read by E. E. Cummings, called l)a.  The poem is about how Maggie, Milly, Molly, and May went to the beach, and then things happen to them.  Maggie finds a shell that sings, Milly befriended a starfish, Molly was chased by something blowing bubbles, and May came home with a stone.
In the third line of the poem, Cummings says “so sweetly she couldn’t remember her troubles, and.”  I think that the “and” should be in the next line because it doesn’t really fit in that line as well as it would in the next.  Also, in a different line, it starts out with and, so why shouldn’t the first?
         I think that there was a lot of assonance in this poem.  For example, there was when Cummings said “smooth round stone.”  There was also alliteration when he said “maggie and milly and molly and may.”  Lastly, I thought the last line was the best of all.  It was a metaphor talking about how sometimes one gets lost in life, but they always come back.

Food Enemies

Mashed Potato
Sour Apple
Rocky Road
Mint Chip
PB and J
Baked Potato
Blue Raspberry
Ice cream
Cookie Dough