Thursday, September 19, 2013

See How Easy it is to Fool a King...

      Montesinos was a very smart man.   He was a monk and preached sermons at the church every Sunday.  At one of his sermons, all of a sudden he started talking about how the Indians shouldn't be killed or be made slaves.  Everybody got really angry at him for thinking like that, and came to him and told him to preach another sermon and apologize.  On Sunday, he basically started preaching about the same thing, about why the Indians shouldn't be slaves because they were people just like the Spaniards  and they were starving to death.. 
     Columbus' son sent the King a letter about Montesinos. The King ordered the head of the Dominicans in Spain to come to him.  He wanted Montesinos to be stopped.  Montesinos had fooled the King because in Santo Domingo, he and the other Dominicans were very poor and only had things like old blankets and sparse clothing.  They wanted more, and knew that if they could go back to Spain, they could get that.  So they fooled the King into ordering them to go back to Spain.

1 comment:

  1. I like it, its very straight-foreword, and to the point.
