Thursday, September 12, 2013

Morning Girl Response

     I really enjoyed reading the book Morning Girl, by Michael Dorris.  It was interesting how Dorris was able to describe the Taino's everyday life, and to make it seem like you were one of them, instead of Columbus' point of view like you would usually find when reading a book in that time period.  It made me question Columbus, and his actions. Is it his fault for wanting to take some of the Tainos for slaves and gain control over them, or does he just think that because of the society he was raised in?
     Also, I liked how Dorris came up with the idea of the Taino's spirituality with the tree.  Did they actually have religion, unlike what Columbus claimed?  We don't know, because Columbus was too ignorant and trying to impress the queen to find out.
     My life is sort of similar to the Taino's because I like to go out into the ocean a lot, even though it's not warm,  I help out my family, and I feel like my name is a part of me.

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