Friday, September 13, 2013

Encyclopedia Entries # 3

When I was little, I used to hate the color yellow.  I'm not exactly sure why, but I just didn't like it as much as other colors.  I don't think it looked that good on me either.  Nowadays, I don't hate yellow, but it's just not my favorite.  Maybe someday I will end up loving it, but that day is not today.

I love the sun and heat, maybe because I used to live in Texas and got used to it.  It was really nice this summer because it was hot out a lot.  Now it's gonna get colder, foggier, and rainier, though, and I'm not looking forward to it.  I think heat is better than cold almost any day.  I do say almost, though, because when you're in Redding waiting outside the gates of their water park, you wish it could be snowing. The only bad thing about heat is when it's giving you a sunburn.

Spelling is one thing that comes naturally to me.  I don't know why, but it's always been really easy for me to spell.  If I don't know the word, I will probably get it wrong when trying to spell it, but after I look at it for the first time, it's pretty much in my brain from then on.  Sometimes spelling makes me wish I spoke a different language though, because English is the only language with a bunch of exceptions and rules.


  1. I like the topics you chose. My favorite one to read was yellow, its interesting, when I was little I didn't like yellow either. I also like the conclusion on the one.

  2. I really liked the yellow one.
    I'm glad how you finally looked past your little kid ways and saw that yellow isn't that bad!
    Good Job Sierra!

  3. Count your blessings that you're a good speller. Have you heard the Coldplay song "Yellow?"
