Thursday, October 3, 2013

In the Garden

     I was in the garden, just before midnight, going to the shed because I had left an important paper in it.  Suddenly, I heard a sound like the screams of a coyote, and ran to the shed door.  I quickly took out my key and tried to unlock the shed.  The key wouldn't fit, like it always did.  Amid the screams, I heard a child crying inside the shed.  I banged against the door, as I heard the sound of running paws.  I I desperately wished I was inside my house.  I looked through the window / into the shed, and caught a glimpse of my little brother.  "I'm coming," I yelled to him and looked around the garden.  Among the cabbages, I spotted three coyotes.  I kicked at the door, but to no avail.  The coyotes ran at me, and I put my arms up to defend myself.  I knew that I wouldn't make it until morning.

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