Thursday, February 28, 2013

Revisiting the Anticipation Guide

     Lying is justifiable if it's for the greater good: At first, I had this as a three, but I would change this to a four now, because even though lying is really bad, if you're are trying to kill the bugger race so they won't kill you, then it's probably more okay then if it only helps you.  Or if it's to save someone's life so they won't do something that puts them in danger, then it's okay.
      Sometimes violence is the only way to solve a problem: I put a three on this one last time, and I would keep it the same because I pretty much still agree with it, It makes sense for this to be true if someone is attacking you and you are defending yourself.  Also, it would be true if you're in a war because two countries can't decide on something that you both want, and it's a big deal.  On the other hand, people should mostly be able to talk it out in words, because most of a time, there's always a way to make peace.
      It is okay to kill someone in self-defense: I put this as a four last time, and I still think that it should be that because if someone's trying to kill you, then you don't want to die!  I think that it's kind of their fault if you kill them, because they were trying to kill first.  If they didn't try to kill you, then they wouldn't be dead.
      Words are stronger than fists: I had this as a three, and I still think it's true because, as I said before, it depends on the toughness of the person, or how strong the words are.  Some people are tough and can 
just let words bounce off their backs,  or some are really hurt by mean words.  Fists can't hurt people as easily as others, and some are knocked out on the first throw, kind of like Ender beating up Stilson and Bonzo.
      Bullies hurt others because they have low self esteem: I did have this as a four at first, but now I would change this to a three because Bonzo seemed to be a bully, but he did have a lot of pride, and I think that he just wanted Ender out of his way.  This statement does seem to be true most of the time though, like in Stilson's case, I don't think he had very much self esteem.
      Only the best and brightest students should receive the best education to become a nation's leader: I still think that this should be a one, except if you're fighting a whole league of creatures. If you're not the brightest in school, then maybe you have other talents that qualify you? Or if your grade point average is like a 3.8, that's pretty close to being the brightest!
      Revenge is never justified: I put a four before I read Ender's Game on this, and I'm still sticking with that because you should never fight fire with fire, as I said before!  And as I said last time, if you can if it's something big, then go to court with them or something like that if it interferes with the law.
      Crying is evidence of weakness: I still think that this should be a two because everyone has cried sometime in their life, so you shouldn't be mean about it! If you are hurt, sometimes you just have to! Don't judge people on what they do and why!
      Any action is acceptable in war: I put this as a two, but now I would change it to a three, because if it's self defense, then any action would kind of be acceptable, or if you were fighting for your nation, then it kind of would.  On the other hand, you shouldn't hurt somebody already on the ground, or hurt in some way already.
      Teenagers need discipline and rules because they can't control themselves: I put this as a two last time, and I definitely wouldn't change that because most teenagers can control themselves fine, and can behave well.  Sometimes, we might get a little goofy, but we can still control ourselves and no when to stop.  We can make our own rules and things.
      Only through personal sacrifice can someone create positive change: I still think the same for this one, a one, because you don't have to sacrifice yourself to do good to the world!  Making a positive change is just doing little things, like picking trash up in the community, planting trees, and more! That's what makes a difference.
     Generating compassion for your enemies is the only way to create peace: I put a three on this one before I read the book, I would keep it the same because compassion isn't always the only way to create peace, because if you hate your enemy, you don't have to kill them, but you can bear with talking peacefully to them.  As I said before, hold a white flag up and work it out with words.


  1. Good job. I like how you formatted it.

  2. Great personal commentary and opinions. Need to include specific evidence in the form of quotes or paraphrasing in order to support your arguments.
