Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Orson Scott Card Article Response

  I think that Orson Scott Card's views on gay marriage don't affect my opinion of his book Ender's Game, because his personal opinions don't come up in the book, and personal life and careers should be separate.  I do think, however, that many people will choose not to read this book, any of his other books, or see the movie, because of his views, because they don't have his opinions.
    I don't think that Mr. Vack should take this book out of his class's reading curriculum, because even though he doesn't support gay marriage, Ender's Game is still a really well written book.  And besides, if he hasn't taken it out yet, he probably won't ever.
   The movie company trying to keep Orson "out of the limelight" is probably a good idea, because the more he is kept out of the public, the more people will watch the movie because they won't realize how much he had a part in it, see his views on gay marriage, and not watch the movie or read his books.
   This movie shouldn't be boycotted.  Just because Orson Scott Card is in it and all, it doesn't mean that you don't have to watch it. Say you didn't want it to be a popular movie and all, because of Orson Scott Card, but it seemed like a good movie to you, then watch it! It won't be unpopular just because you don't watch it. It's probably still going to be a great movie, so join in the fun!

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