Thursday, February 7, 2013

Ender's Game Questions Chapters 6-8

Chapter 6 – The Giant’s Drink
The purpose of the Giant's Game is that the game wants to see what Ender would do in a situation like that.  He evaluated his success by thinking he was like Peter and was a murderer, but he should've thought that he just was trying to survive in his fantasy game. He is not a murderer because he killed the giant in self defense, and it was just a game!

Chapter 7 – Salamander
1. Alai said to Ender "Salaam."  It is important because it shows that races didn't matter then.  Also, it shows that there was world peace because of the buggers. 

2. The "just living" mentioned in this chapter means that your living, without anything to do.  No objectives in life, and you're at peace with yourself.  It's true that Ender has never done this because he always has to train hard in the battleroom, and before that defend himself from Peter.  What Ender wants out of his life is to be happy.  If I was him I would want to just live and be happy, and also wouldn't want to be at the battle school.

3.  Petra helped Ender by practicing in the battleroom with him during free time and training him.  Their friendship is a hindrance to Ender because she was a girl and it split Salamander Army apart, and also Petra is an outcast, so if Ender is working with her, then he is more likely to be an outcast too.

4. What Ender learned about leadership and tactics from Bonzo is that if you're strict, people follow you easier, and they fear you.  Also, he learned how the well-rehearsed formations they had were a mistake because it made them predictable, and they wouldn't know what to do when the enemy attacked the formations.

Chapter 8 – Rat
1. Graff's quote, “Ender Wiggin is ten times smarter and stronger than I am.”means that Ender knew how to use his cleverness and could easily outsmart people.  Graff was saying he wasn't smart in battle, but he was pretty smart in bringing out Ender Wiggin's clever side.  Also, Ender was stronger than he knew, and Graff wanted to see that.

2. What is significant about the quote “So teach me.” “So learn,” is that you can't learn battle skills from other people, you have to figure it out yourself so you can think up better formations and things to do in battle, and also you won't be trusting somebody to be there for you, and then they're not.

3. Ender’s response to an attack is significant because he would make a good commander because of how he tells the boys in his class what to do to get away safely, and he is really good without gravity because of how he can reorient himself.  Also, this is just a test by teachers to see if he should be a commander and I think he passed.

4. The scene with the snake and Peter's reflection represented that Ender thought he was like Peter, but didn't want to be like him.

5. The game knows because it follows Ender's actions around the Battle School, has access to when Ender had his monitor, when Peter tortured him, and so figured out that Ender didn't want to be like Peter.

6. The importance of the last paragraph of this chapter is that it showed how Ender didn't want to do this, and he hated how every time he hurt somebody, he felt like Peter.  Also, he felt like he was just a tool, and wasn't important to anybody, just a tool they would use to fix something, like a hammer.

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