Thursday, February 14, 2013

Ender's Game Questions Chapters 9-11

Chapter 9 – Locke and Demosthenes
1. There is a real battle, internally and unspoken, between Peter and Valentine. I think that Valentine is manipulating Peter, and has power over him because she doesn't show that she does, so he doesn't realize that she has power over him.

2. Ender is still angry because he doesn't have any fun at the battle school.  It's just work, training for the games.  The same thing over and over.

Chapter 10 – Dragon
1. Ender was the kind of leader that has much authority and power over everyone else.  He was strict and treated Bean like Graff had treated him.  He was this kind of leader because less instruction wouldn't work with an army, like it did with his practice group, or else they wouldn't follow him.

2. What Ender did to Bean was treated him like he was the only one who would make a good soldier, out of all his other soldiers.   He did it because it was what Graff had done to him, in his launch group.      
The teachers wanted him to do that.

3. Salaam means peace.  This tells you how there were many different races at the battle school and that the power of religious identity was strong because the only thing keeping the world in peace was the problem of the buggers.

4. What's important about the end of this chapter is that Ender has started to grow tough and stop crying, and not trust anybody.   Ender’s reaction wasn't a mistake by the teachers, because they wanted him to think that he couldn't trust anybody at the battleschool.

Chapter 11 – Veni Vidi Vici
1. The computer knows Ender well because it analyzes what he does in the game, and looks at his files from when he had the monitor.   It really does.

2. “Yes. That’s the worst that could happen. I can’t lose any games. Because if I lose any--” (page 198).  This quote means that if Ender loses any games, then the teachers will know that Ender isn't good enough to be a commander, and will lose hope in him.

3. The teachers are pushing Ender so hard because they want to break him so that he will make a good commander and be good in the battle against the buggers.

4. The importance of the last two sentences of the chapter is that it shows how Bean's ideas are stupid, but they are actually very clever if you know how to use them.

5. “Veni vidi vici” means, “I came; I saw; I conquered.”  This is an appropriate chapter title because Dragon army came to the battle against rabbit army, saw what to do, and then conquered them.

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