Monday, February 11, 2013

CEJ #3

Cancer still kills more African-Americans than whites

Reuters, Andrew
Google News
       This article is about how even though there has been drops in smoking with black men, cancer death rates for blacks are still higher than that for whites.  Some studies show that about 288 black men out of 100,000 die of cancer, and for white men it is only 217.  Researchers think that this is because they are less likely to get lung cancer, but have a better chance of dying from it if they do get it.  For black women, it’s about 181 per 100,000 and 155 for whites.  The numbers are more even, but black women still have a better chance of dying from lung or breast cancer than whites.  Carol DeSantis, from the American Cancer Society in Atlantis said "Unfortunately, as treatments improve and newer treatments are coming out, we will see a widening disparity if people don't have equal access.”
I think that it’s horrible how black people are more likely to die from cancer that other races are.   Hopefully this will change soon, but it might not.  At least blacks have stopped smoking as much.  Why they get cancer, is they get lung cancer from being addicted to smoking.  So they shouldn't smoke in the first place.  Maybe since all races have different things they’re good at, maybe blacks don’t have as good immune systems as whites and other races?  So if they smoke they get cancer faster than others.  I think that doctors can, or will, develop ways to stop cancer in the years to come.

1 comment:

  1. I'm wondering if this is a genetic issue or lifestyle. Interesting article.
