Tuesday, January 15, 2013

My Learning Styles

I am a Verbal-Linguistic Learner (58%)
Your mantra: Tell me in words -- written or spoken -- and I will understand.
Verbal-linguistic intelligence (along with logical-mathematical intelligence) is often associated with doing well in school. You have the ability to use words effectively for reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The poet has been described as the epitome of verbal-linguistic intelligence.

      I think that this explains how I learn pretty well because I do well in school, and I have the ability to use words effectively.  I also like to write poems, and in the last sentence it says the poet has been described as the epitome of verbal-linguistic intelligence.

I am a Bodily-Kinesthetic Learner (58%)
Your mantra: Movement is fun-damental.
Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence means you think in movements. The fundamental ability to use movements for either self-expression or precision to achieve a goal is crucial for surgeons, athletes, mimes, choreographers, and directors.
The best way for you to retain information is to associate it with an activity. Dance, acting, and sports are easy for you to master. Relate what you are trying to learn to one of these activities, and you will retain information and gain understanding.

     I don't think this is right because I don't really think in movements, but it could be because maybe "the best way for me to retain information is to associate it with an activity."  Also, dance, acting, and sports are easy for me to master so maybe it actually is correct.

 I am an Interpersonal Learner (31%)
Your mantra: I understand what you mean.
Interpersonal learners thrive on social interaction. Friends often ask you for advice because you are understanding and in tune with the people around you and their motives, emotions, perspectives, and moods.
Your ability to manage relationships helps you understand situations and take a leadership role when necessary. You enjoy teaching and sharing your thoughts.
Careers that require insight and the ability to read what someone else is thinking or feeling -- such as teaching, psychology, or sales -- would be a great match for those with interpersonal intelligence.

      I think that I am sort of like this because friends ask me for advice in math and other subjects, and I can understand situations pretty well.  I don't know if I'd be good at teaching, psychology, or sales, but I enjoy sharing my thoughts.

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