Thursday, January 24, 2013

Ender's Game Anticipation Guide

Lying is justifiable if it's for the greater good.
I put a 3 on this one because if your lying to save somebody's life, and it works, then yes, it would be justifiable, but say you lied to help yourself, and it wasn't that important, then that's not right.  Or if  you are lying, but your plan doesn't work, then it wouldn't really be justifiable.

Sometimes violence is the only way to solve a problem. 
I put a 3 on this one because if you're in a situation when someone is attacking you, then you want to create violence to defend yourself, or if your in a war because two countries can't decide on something then you kind of have to use violence to help your country.  But on the other hand, you should be able to talk it out in words.

It is okay to kill someone in self-defense. 
I put a 4 on this because, sort of like I was saying in the last question, if someone is attacking you, you want to live of course and they kind of deserve to die almost because they're trying to kill you! So yes, I think it's okay to kill someone in self-defense.

Words are stronger than fists. 
I wasn't sure about this one, so I put a 3.  It kind of depends on the person you're saying mean words to, or punching.  Some people are tough and ignore words meant to hurt, but other people can be hurt easily.  It's the same with fists.  Some people are tougher than others.

Bullies hurt others because they have low self esteem. 
I put this as a 4 because why do bullies hurt people?  The best answer seems to be that they hurt other people to make themselves feel better about themselves.  If everyone had a high self esteem then there would be no bullies probably.

Only the best and brightest students should receive the best education to become a nation's leaders.
I put a 1 on this one because even though you may not be the brightest, maybe you have other talents that you need to become a nation's leader.  Also, what if you get B's? That's still pretty smart, I think.

Revenge is never justified. 
I gave this one a 4 because just because somebody did something to hurt you or somebody else, don't fight fire with fire!  That will just make the person who started it hurt people again!  Also, if what they did was something big, like against the law, then you could just go to court or something.

Crying is evidence of weakness. 
I put a 2 on this one because sometimes, if you are hurt or something, you just have to.  That doesn't mean you are weak.  Everyone has cried at some point in their lives, so why judge people on it?

Any action is acceptable in war.
I put a 2 on this one because just because your in war, you shouldn't hurt someone already on the ground, or don't just go crazy and make stupid mistakes because your in war, and you think it won't really matter, because it will.

Teenagers need discipline and rules because they can't control themselves.  
I gave this one a 2 because most teenagers can make their own rules for themselves and not need grownups to make them for them.  Also, we can control ourselves.  Sometimes it seems like we can't, but we still are.

Only though personal sacrifice can someone create positive change.
I put a 1 on this because you can create a positive change in the world by doing little things, like being nice to people, making a stand, planting trees, helping a cause, and more! You don't need to sacrifice your life for this!  It's the little things that count.
Generating compassion for your enemies is the only way to create peace.  
I couldn't really decide on this one so I put it as a 3 because yes, if you have compassion towards your enemies then you could make peace because you could show them that you don't want to kill them, but also, you could hold a white flag and talk it out with them even if you don't like them, but there won't be any wars and you can create peace still.



  1. I thought your answers made lots of sense and hold a good argument. I agree with it!

  2. I like you arguments and I agree with what you said.
