Friday, January 3, 2014

Writing Surveys

Compared to other surveys, I think that mine was good and some of the questions had the same feel to them, like the ones about how often you do something per day or per week.  A good survey question would be one that matches up with the type of response there is.  For example, you wouldn’t want a question with a number answer with a short reply type response.  It would also be specific, and be understandable.  In my survey, I learned that most people were the same about music, and the replies were pretty similar.  The results that were predictable were that nobody wouldn’t listen to any music on the weekends, and that they mostly like pop, rap and dubstep.  I was surprised that a few people preferred playing an instrument solo, to playing in a large group or just listening to music.  What I learned about my class from this survey was that even though we’re very different from each other, we’re also a lot alike.  If there were any challenges from this assignment, it would just be thinking of questions that would go with the response type.  I liked responding to everybodies survey and seeing the results that I got from mine.  Surveys are a large part of business, politics, and other things because then you can figure out what you need to work on in your business/politics, and see what people are thinking.  Otherwise, the heads of a business, or the president, don’t know what their workers are thinking, but just what they are.

How much do you like listening to music on a scale of 1-10?


What is your favorite type of music?

everything rock pop Rap/Dubstep everything but oldies singer/songwriter rap music country-pop Pop and rap. dubstep Elctronic or pop country Classic Pop, Country pop/rock Pop or rap Hip-hop Rock/metal/screamo everything i can't decide All kinds Dj-ingi don't have one I don't really have one Pop

About how often do you listen to music on weekends?

0-30 minutes415%
30 minutes to 1 hour726%
1 or more hours1659%

I have my headphones in almost all day it depends about 34 hours 45 min 5 hour

When do you listen to music on weekdays, if at all?

During recess at school38%
While doing homework2153%

What do you like most about music?

idk its noise its a way to get a break from things and sounds good it is relaxing I cant explain it Its sound cool.. it makes me feel good How people can express their feelings in a song It gives me a good feeling inside I like writing it. it is fun to listen and dance to. i love the rhythm and how if you tape your foot to it it makes you wanna get up and dance your pants off! it calms me I like it... It is a voice for the voiceless i really like how everyone can speak it Being able to sing to it I like the meaning to it. The rhythm makes me feel good and meaningful. Idk it makes me happy Piano from Ludovico Einaudi I like to play the violin and make my own music The beat and the lyrics. the reathem and the beat of the music and the lyrics i'm very picky about my music idk What I like best about music is the rythm I like listening to artists with strong voices i guess I like the beats and I like how it makes me feel. It's fun to sing along to and listen to.

Which is better?

Playing an instrument solo311%
Playing an instrument in a large group622%
Just listening to music1867%